Fully Informed
Fully Informed is a NZ campaign for accurate medical information.
The NZ Ministry of Health describes puberty blockers as “safe and fully reversible”. This description is inaccurate.
Fully Informed analyses the research including much which contradicts the “safe and fully reversible” statement to highlight the uncertainties and negative health impacts of puberty blockers
Another Unfortunate Experiment
Jan Rivers and Jill Abigail have written an extended research report Another Unfortunate Experiment? New Zealand’s transgender health policy and its impact on children on the NZ situation. It is now a litte dated with changes in policy in the UK, Finland, Sweden, Eire as well as the Keira Bell case and the NHS change of policy all constraining transgender medicine in other jurisdictions.
Detransition Stories
There is no formal NZ research yet on levels of detransition (people who want to reverse their transition to the opposite gender) in this country. But it appears there may be a significant number from our reading of social media accounts on platforms such as Twitter and Reddit.
We warmly welcome stories from detransitioners and parents of detransitioners to be submitted to this site. Other people’s stories are powerful and supportive as well as useful for making change.
About A Girl
About a girl tells the story of a young woman who, when she revealed she was solely attracted to women was castigated by her community.
From Girl To Boy And Back Again
From girl to boy and back again describes a young woman who changed her mind after transitioning
My Journey Of Transition And Detransition
An anonymous young NZ woman describes the experiences, including abuse and lack of strong feminine role models that led her to transition and then how reflection, increasing maturity and an appreciation of feminism led to her detransition.
Other Information and Links
Bayswater Support
Bayswater Support are a group of parents in the UK and Ireland who have been brought together by their experiences of parenting children with gender dysphoria or who have declared a transgender identity.
Get Support
If you are a parent wanting to join a private support community then contact us.
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There is no greater warrior than a mother protecting her child
— N.K. Jemisin